• To propose a
disruptive way to organize content and services on
the server, taking full advantage of Internet ubiquity,
of the power of relational database and of the transactional
potential of J2EE.
• To create a smooth improvement in the end-user’s experience.
Taking advantage of a fully integrated set of web services delivered via a portal
users will properly and securely manage their content at anytime, from anywhere.
The users no longer need to remain glued to any local device embarked content
and applications.
• To improve significantly data integrity, confidentiality and
overall security
• To generate immediate visible cost reduction
– No spending on the terminal 350 millions Windows desktop any
Linux run TAPP© session as they are – Saving half of the time currently
spent in sorting, searching and storing content clogged in files, and in the
several sources (disks, remote services, web mails, unsynchronized PDA, mobile
phone directories etc..)
As an example, a firm which chooses to set a TAPP© virtual
content infrastructure, an i-SuperWiz Intranet Portal for
Instance, can save more than 4000 € per year and per
co-worker gained on the costs of operations on a classical