Paytap : internet server enabling m-payment and m-wallet for everyone

TAPP© "the Transactional Acces Point Protocol" is a 50 year/man development
by Online & Groupware
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Rather than compelling the use of underexploited expensive OS dependant software functions that organize user's stuff (content) in separate silo embarked on each user's device, TAPP© introduces and enables a new content management paradigm that requires only a web client device to display adapted portal pages that deliver accurate integrated services
Retrieve your Stuff, Anywhere, Anytime, Any device

Thus all existing - and future - web connected device ( desktop, laptop, tablet, handheld, DTV you name it) may serve as a TAP Transactional Access Point without any modification or administration cost, while all content is seamlessly and intelligently self organized on the server.

Thanks to TAPP©, the PC is replaced in its genuine function of being a Workstation for dedicated professional computing tasks. Yet the result of user's work – data and documents – is no more PC storage dependant.

With the same vision a mobile phone delivers firstly is value as a phone and because it is a TAP as soon as it supports a web connection, ( there is no need to load it with software to gain new usage value in mobility !

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