Paytap : internet server enabling m-payment and m-wallet for everyone

TAPP© "the Transactional Acces Point Protocol" is a 50 year/man development
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Until now Internet supplies a pervasive access to published information and enables interactions with dedicated applications (e-business, forum, chat) but supplies no solution for the user to manage his own stuff easily and retrieve it when needed .

Internet is of no help with documents that are stored in a file format on various disks, contacts details that are store in PDA, PCs and mobile phone directories, e-mails that are scattered among local file and distant web-mail service storage etc… All these are not related to calendar or to one another and cannot be searched en masse, because all this content is not published and meta-tagged in a way that it could be accessed by Internet and search engines.

Thus Internet brings me the information of the others (what they present on their sites, the commercial offers that they want to see me buying) but never my information which remain clogged and scattered in files, data bases, directories and other storage facilities everywhere

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