Paytap : internet server enabling m-payment and m-wallet for everyone

TAPP© "the Transactional Acces Point Protocol" is a 50 year/man development
by Online & Groupware
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Jean Marc Levy Dreyfus, 52 – Founder, he drives the vision for the Company. JM has been an entrepreneur and a visionary since 1976; he sold his previous company at 72 times the value of its investments, after 8 years of successful business. Some of JM’s management ways are to hire smart, to make employees owners, to bet on tech and to think long term. He forged a winning innovation strategy built on brain, skills and guts.
GOTAPP© Task Force
(Technical Advisory Board)

GOTAPP© Tech Expert Group (Scientific Board)
Currently under staffing

GOTAPP© Institutional and Visionary Group (Ethical Board)
Currently under staffing
Marc Sacchetti, 46 - Co-founder and CTO, Before joining The previous Company in 99 , Marc – MBS earth sciences Paris VII - has earned a 10 years experience in CAD software for one of the largest Apple Center.
Haïm Mamou, 29– Co-founder and R&D Manager, drives the technical vision for the Company and manages the software engineering team. Haim owns a title of Master Engineer of the Orsay Faculty and is MIAGE graduated.  

Online & Groupware employs currently 8 people and forecasts hiring 8 more in coming year.
The GOTAPP© team should man up to 15 more people first year.