Paytap : internet server enabling m-payment and m-wallet for everyone

TAPP© "the Transactional Acces Point Protocol" is a 50 year/man development
by Online & Groupware
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By making file and content management commonplace no matter what device, TAPP© provides an open standard "Transactional Internet Operating System" on the basis of which it is easy and simple to cost effectively develop, customize and market new solutions away from depending on whatever proprietary software technology on the end user's terminal.

Based on the knowledge of needs acquired by Online & GroupWare team while serving since 1994 more than 400 companies with simple to use selling point software TAPP© is topping more than 45 years/men of development. TAPP© is protected by 2 Patents pending and a large number Escrowed time stamping.

TAPP© is not disk storage dependant, it concentrates and integrates automatically and seamlessly any content, regardless of files format – data, addresses, directories, emails, notes, schedules, documents of all kind: text, spreadsheet, graphic, music, video - in one single source.

Since TAPP© takes full advantage of its web server architecture, no matter what device is used, TAPP© engine will recognize and provide any user with his content and services delivered through an appropriate Portal, adapted to the type of display supported by the device used.

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