Then, we no longer need to wrestle
with applications, files and disks in order to manage information,
because TAPP© will directly provide us with integrated web services
that operates remotely our usual local operation. All documents
are securely uploaded as binary objects (BLOB) after having been
linked to their context and timestamp.
TAPP© portal provides the combination of 2 unique automated integrating
• A powerful Inserting Engine that handles all content :
information, data and document - regardless of its nature at the
very moment you enter it and manage to insert it appropriately
into server installed TAPP© database and to bind it as metadata
in TAPP© XML base.
• A powerful Retrieving Engine* that browses TAPP© database and metadata
and retrieves any piece of your content on the fly regardless of its nature and
uploads it onto your device.
• Why a Retrieving and not a searching Engine ?
Because You search things that you Ignore, while You retrieve things that you
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